How to maintain an above ground pool (tubular or freestanding) ?

With summer come the moments of relaxation in the family swimming pool. To enjoy it in good conditions, remember to maintain your above ground pool. Whether tubular or self-supporting, the maintenance rules can be summed up in a few words: filtration, cleaning, wintering. Let’s go for a little reminder of good maintenance habits… Before commissioning: … Read more

How to choose a pool builder ?

Building a durable swimming pool requires the intervention of a competent professional. Knowing that there are several thousand swimming pool contractors in France, who should you entrust with the construction of your pool? To choose a good swimming pool specialist, do not hesitate to check his references, his reputation, the good health of his company, … Read more

Building your own swimming pool : pros cons cost

The construction of a private swimming pool by a professional represents a large budget. So much so that some are asking the question: why not build it yourself? The self-construction of a swimming pool indeed promises real savings. Before embarking on this demanding project, ask yourself a few questions. What are the advantages and disadvantages … Read more

Installing a sauna at home: what type of sauna to choose?

Depuis plus de vingt siècles, la pratique du bain finlandais continue d’apporter ses bienfaits. A tel point que le sauna a depuis longtemps franchi les frontières des pays nordiques. La tendance est désormais d’en installer un à domicile. Vous voulez un sauna à la maison ? Parmi les différents types existants, prenez le temps de … Read more

Building a swimming pool : what are the regulations obligations and formalities ?

Do you dream of relaxing in the water of your own swimming pool? Before embarking on the installation of a private swimming pool, do you know the regulations, administrative formalities and legal obligations on this subject? Location, construction, safety, taxation… Installing a swimming pool at home involves you on several levels. We take stock. 1 … Read more