Pruning lavender : when and how ? Our advice

What a pleasure to grow lavender plants in your garden! This divinely scented plant is perfect for dry gardens, light, well-drained soils and very sunny exposures. It seems to be able to thrive without special care since it likes poor soils, hates excess water and can’t stand harsh pruning. But make no mistake about it, lavender still needs a bit of shearing from time to time. However, it is better to rely on the know-how of gardening professionals so as not to destroy it. Let’s see when and how to properly prune your lavender.

When to prune lavender?

It is at the end of summer, just after the flowering period, that the faded flowers of lavender are removed.

We keep the light hand if you have to prune this plant and if you consider that the pruning is superfluous, you simply abstain. It should be noted, however, that pruning well and at the right time allows you to enjoy denser flowering the following year.

Pruning the lavender helps maintain the nice shape from the bush. If it grows a little in all directions, you just have to make it look harmonious. It is therefore a simple maintenance work that should be reserved for lanky lavender feet. But in this case, the ideal period is the very beginning of spring.

How to prune lavender?

There are different methods for pruning lavender, each with a specific purpose and must always be done at a specific time.

  • make bouquets : in the middle of summer, cut with secateurs only the stems of the year which bear fresh flowers.
  • Remove faded flowers : this very superficial pruning takes place at the end of September.
  • Get Lavender Foot in Shape : it is at the return of spring that it is advisable to cut the dead branches giving the foot of lavender the appearance of a half-dry and formless plant. We then use a shear. And to refine the session, we take care of the finishing touches which consist of possibly removing two or three new superfluous, rebellious or misplaced shoots, which are cut at the base with pruning shears. This gives the bush its pretty rounded shape.

Before the resumption of vegetation, that is to say at the beginning of March, a few young branches can be cut back between 30 and 50% of their length to promote the production of new shoots. This size promotes thickening of the tuft. It only imposes itself if the lavender foot has a very thin appearance. In the case of a lavender that has grown in all directions, only the young branches that are a little too big can be shortened.

Tips for pruning lavender properly

Here are some things to know about keep a lavender plant as long as possible, namely between 5 and 6 years because it is a plant whose lifespan is relatively short. Note however that in excellent growing conditions, and if you live in Provence, you can keep it beautiful for about ten years.

Regarding the size, you should in any case know that thewe never cut the wood of lavender because it only unbalances the foot. No twig grows back on the old wood. Even worse, lavender absolutely hates extremely severe pruning which prevents it from blooming again and can even in most cases cause it to die well before the age.

A rejuvenation waist can be tried if the lavender plant begins to age and the plant has lost its beauty. In this case, cut the oldest branches at the base, closest to the ground. Those that still seem vigorous are to conserve. Can also carve above one eye which will give rise to a new shoot. In this way, the lavender foot has every chance of se ramifier the next year.

The pruning of lavender is quite delicate and if one doubts its capacities in this matter, one entrusts this care without complex to a landscaper. At most, we can then content ourselves with cutting the flower stalks just before wilting. They allow you to make lovely and fragrant bouquets to have in the house. It is possible to deseed the dry cobs in order to fill small cheesecloth bags to be placed in the cupboards to pleasantly perfume the laundry. As for the fresh lavender flowers, we leave them on the stalk because the bees love them!

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